Pentingnya Doa dalam Sholat

" Sometimes The Best Way to Help Those We Love is Not to Help "

Good education will develop personal maturity of the child. The boy became an independent , full responsibility of the duties and obligations , respect for fellow human beings and live according to the dignity and image . Instead of education that one can bring a result that is not good for children's personal development . One study that one is spoiling the child .

Some of the factors that cause parents spoil their children , namely :

1 . The child's parents are spoiled by their parents anyway so the experience was passed on to his son .

2 . Parents have the concept of happiness is not quite right . For example, happiness diidentik with pleasing their children to obey all their queries by providing lux goods , money .

3 . Indulgent attitude can be caused as well as parents who previously had a bitter experience of life and the poor so that they want to avoid their children from very difficult situations .

4 . Parents are plenty of activities and businesses that do not have enough free time for their children . These activities may lead to overactive guilt for the parents so that they comply with all requests or provide valuable goods as substitutes their affection .

5.Kecendrungan parents sometimes distinguish their children . Attitudes are usually motivated by factors distinguish the views / culture specific example of pride to boys . Justice uneven parents of children may be differences in the provision of facilities to the children as well as differences affection . For children who feel unfairly treated can lead to disappointment in the taunya and children will feel envy with their siblings . In this connection, the child usually protested against his parents embodied in various forms of delinquency .

Be wise parents there for the child and their future .
Hopefully useful and Share it to best advantage .
